Thursday, January 5, 2012

FastPitch Softball Pitching Grips

As a pitcher, few things are more rewarding than seeing that batter swing right over the top of your well-placed and well-timed pitch. Now with that being said there are some good pitches out there to throw to the batter in the box. Throw your first few pitches at a backstop rather than at a human catcher
Here is just a few to explain below...


A Screwball- Practice releasing the ball on the left side of the tee (right handed pitchers) and the ball should end up on the right side of the plate from the pitchers point of view.

How to hold the ball
Place your first, second and third fingers on the U-shape in the stitches. Place your thumb on the opposite side of the ball. Tuck your fourth finger in on the side of the ball.

A Fastball-  The key fundamentals are the straight arm circle keeping your arm tight to your ear and then to your hip. Also the other two most important factors are the wrist snap on release and leg drift. 

How to hold the ball
 Spread fingers evenly apart on the top seam of the ball using a two seam or a four seam depending on the downward movement you want.

A Knuckleball- The idea of the knuckleball is not to have very little or no spin on the ball tricking the batter at the box. There are several different ways to hold a knuckleball so what fits your palm best. Digging your fingernails into the seams of the ball, which allows you to flicking the ball underhanded without. Don't pitch the ball for speed.

How to hold the ball
Having the ball deep in your palm holding your knuckles at at the seams of the  throw the ball by pushing the ball off your fingertips which means it slows the ball from spinning. Place your thumb and pinkie on either side of the seam,curl your index and middle fingers back and place the tips of your fingers on the ball.

A Drop Ball-  If you are looking for ground ball outs, the drop ball is the pitch to throw at the batter in the box. The drop ball can fall 5-9 inches as it is approching the batter.

How to hold the ball-  Hold the softball in your throwing hand holding up the fingers as in your making a peace sign with your index and middle finger on the seams. Instead of striding as far as you would with a fastball, shorten your stride by atleast half and that will create your peel drop. Where the seams are the narrowest, grip the ball at that place. A good snap for the rollover drop will have your little finger pointing up at the conclusion of the pitch and your thumb will be pointing down.